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Showing posts from 2016

iPhone 7

It is that time again: Apple has launched a new iPhone, and the masses will flock tomorrow to get their hands on the "best one yet". However, I believe that this line is beginning to be slightly misleading. Is it the best iPhone? Yes. Is it the best phone? I would say no. At the same time, I do believe that it is a solid device. Admittedly, I have not had an iPhone since 4; I also had a MacBook Pro and iPad 2 at the time. I used to be fully in the iCorner. I believed that the ecosystem they designed was unbeatable, and their hardware was second-to-none. These days I have a slightly different perspective. That is a different story, however. Let's look at the iPhone 7 (and plus) just on its own merits. In the days of 6" plus screens, built in DSLR's (hyperbole), and pixel-less screens, the iPhone is a jack-of-all trades, master of none. I have not personally tested the phone, but like all tech announcements, I watched the live streaming event. I did not see any

Don't Air Out your Dirty Laundry

I firmly believe in the usefulness of social media. From Facebook and Twitter to Instagram and Snapchat, social media has become an incredible tool for the modern world. I mean just look at all it can do. It has become a photo album, instant messenger, news center, advertising hub, and even a media resume. However, I do not believe that these tools were ever meant to be used as a diary. I am all for reaching out to others when there are issues or things go wrong. I believe that talking to love ones and laying problems out for solving is an essential part of handling issues. Having said that, problems should be solved with loved ones, not the world.  I don't see that a Facebook post or not-so-subtle tweet is an appropriate avenue for handling issue. If you are having a problem, contact someone and talk it out.  Don't post your problems for all to see, and don't use these platforms as a means to attack another. How is that the proper way to solve an issue? I am a firm belie

The Phubbing Problem

In today’s world, cell phones have essentially become extensions of our physical bodies; I truly mean that some people (maybe most) cannot actually survive without them. Don’t get me wrong: I utilize my phone extensively. I use it for communication, shopping lists, calendars, camera, news, weather, gaming, et cetera. But at the same time, I recognize that this is just a device; nothing more than a convenient tool for my everyday life (much like shoes). The problem is how many times do we let this actually interfere with our life and our interactions. This leads us to the phenomenon known as “phubbing.” It was actually my stepmom that introduced me to the term and the concept: using a phone to intentionally or unintentionally snub someone. When she used the term to describe me one day, I began to really look at how much this actually occurs. We may not even be aware that we are indeed snubbing people we are with by shielding our faces and words behind a small (debatable given today