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Showing posts from September, 2016

iPhone 7

It is that time again: Apple has launched a new iPhone, and the masses will flock tomorrow to get their hands on the "best one yet". However, I believe that this line is beginning to be slightly misleading. Is it the best iPhone? Yes. Is it the best phone? I would say no. At the same time, I do believe that it is a solid device. Admittedly, I have not had an iPhone since 4; I also had a MacBook Pro and iPad 2 at the time. I used to be fully in the iCorner. I believed that the ecosystem they designed was unbeatable, and their hardware was second-to-none. These days I have a slightly different perspective. That is a different story, however. Let's look at the iPhone 7 (and plus) just on its own merits. In the days of 6" plus screens, built in DSLR's (hyperbole), and pixel-less screens, the iPhone is a jack-of-all trades, master of none. I have not personally tested the phone, but like all tech announcements, I watched the live streaming event. I did not see any