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Showing posts from December, 2017

My Disappearance

I am going to keep this blog post brief as I try to explain where I have been for over two weeks. For those that follow my blog, you will notice that it has been 15 days since my last post. I would like to say there is a valid reason for this; I will not say it is a good reason, however. I could possibly make several excuses as to where I have been. I could say I have been busy with getting ready for the holidays or with Abigayle's basketball schedule. I could say that work has been busy or that there have been no interesting topics in which to talk about. As someone who reads the news every day, I can assure you that there have been some good topics. No, the reason I have been gone is that I had no motivation to write. While I know that that is not a good thing to say as a writer, it is the truth, and I prefer to tell it. When I go throughout my day and night, I often think about what I would like to write about and the words typically come to me. It is very easy to write at t

Freedom v.s. Lock-down: Monitoring Child Technology

I would say this question is really meant for parents and guardians: How closely do you monitor your child's internet access? I can honestly say that this is something I have thought about quite extensively, and I just cannot come to an accurate answer. Admittedly, I am not a parent yet so I have never had to address this personally, but as an individual with extensive interest in technology, I wonder how people address internet safety and security. For instance, I have basically witnessed both sides of the spectrum in terms of monitoring. Some people believe that kids need "big brother" watching every single thing that a child does. This includes closely monitoring (or banning) social media, daily reading text messages, child blocks on sites, et cetera. I understand that many view this as necessary to protect children from situations they are not mature enough to handle. Trust me, I get it; it is a scary world. People want to protect children at all costs and see thi